
December 11, 2024

Caro/a Estudante,

Se pondera a possibilidade de realizar um semestre de ESTUDOS ou ESTÁGIO numa outra instituição, este evento é dirigido a si!

Durante esta sessão, serão apresentadas todas as oportunidades de mobilidade disponíveis, contando ainda com depoimentos de estudantes da FPCEUP que realizaram mobilidade em universidades estrangeiras.

Se tem interesse numa experiência “fora de portas” no próximo ano letivo 2025/26, INSCREVA-SE e PARTICIPE!

Isabel Neves

SRIM | Serviço de Relações Internacionais e Mobilidade 

April 3, 2024

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The Mobility Office is organizing a Follow-Up meeting on Wednesday, 10.04.2024 at 03:00 p.m. (FPCEUP - Room 111) to FPCEUP's mobility students. 

The session will be held in ENGLISH!

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, please don’t miss it!

Have a nice week!

Isabel Neves

April 3, 2024

Car@ estudante,

Espero que te encontres bem!

O Serviço de Relações Internacionais e Mobilidade vai realizar uma Reunião de Acompanhamento para os /as estudantes de mobilidade da FPCEUP no dia 10.04.2024, Quarta-feira, às 14h30m - Sala 111 (FPCEUP).

A sessão decorrerá em PORTUGUÊS.

Por favor, regista a tua participação no FORMULÁRIO DE REGISTO abaixo.

A tua participação é muito importante, por isso não faltes!

Boa semana!

Isabel Neves

March 20, 2024

March 11, 2024

Language and literacy in migration context

International school organised under the framework of Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), 2023-2024

Organising institution:

Department of Romance languages and literatures, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, Contact person: Egle Mocciaro,

Partner institutions:

University of Bergen 

Participant to be sent: 3 students (2 MA, 1 Ph.D.)

Contact person: Ann-Kristin Helland Gujord,

Teachers: Ann-Kristin Helland Gujord

Østfold University College, Norway

Participants to be sent: 1 student (Ph.D.)

Contact person: Åshild Søfteland,

Teachers: Åshild Søfteland, Linda Emilsen,

University of Cyprus 

Participant to be sent: 5 students (MA, Ph.D.; could open to Bachelor)

Contact person: Sviatlana Karpava,

Teachers: Sviatlana Karpava

University of Porto 

Participant to be sent: 7 students (MA, Ph.D.; could open to Bachelor)

Contact persons: Rui Alexandre Alves,; José Pedro Amorim,

Teachers: Rui Alexandre Alves

Boğaziçi University, Instanbul 

Participant to be sent: 2 students (MA; could open to Bachelor if needed)

Contact person: Belma Haznedar,

Teachers: Belma Haznedar, Işıl Erduyan,

University of Potsdam

Paticipant to be sent: up to 10 students

Contact persons: Marta Lupica Spagnolo,

Teachers: Marta Lupica Spagnolo, Christoph Schroeder,;)

Implementation period

In-presence phase: 3-7 June 2024

Virtual phase: April-May 2024 (3 seminars)

Credits: 5 ECTS

Description of the course

The course combines five in-person days in Brno in the spring of 2024 and an online teaching path taking place at the end of April and early May. The in-person segment, hosted in the rooms of the Faculty of Arts, consists of lectures and workshops.

The lectures will be held by teachers of the programme, both local and from BIP partner institutions, and will address from different and complementary perspectives (theoretical, sociolinguistic, educational) the nuclear themes of the course: language, literacy and migration. In particular, the lectures will focus on crucial but as yet little explored topics such as the dynamics of multilingualism in a European and migration context, the notion of literacy and its different types, the role of literacy skills in the development of non-mother tongues, research ethics.

The different thematic blocks will be complemented by peer-to-peer workshop activities, in which students will be asked to enter into and comment on documents, case studies and problems directly related to the topics covered. The results of this work will then be presented and discussed in plenary.

In addition to lectures and peer work, some workshop sections in the strict sense are included in the project. Unlike the peer workshops, these sections are led by a trainer and consist of direct immersion and familiarisation in new languages and writing systems, and autobiographical narration of multilingualism experiences. In all three cases, these are experiential and didactic declinations (according to the principle of immersive didactics and learning by doing) of themes that have been given ample consideration in the relevant scientific literature in recent years.

The course will be completed by a direct experience of the city’s linguistic diversity, with a workshop with local experts and scholars of Vietnamese and Romani languages (and eventually writing system).

If you are interested in applying, please fill in the Application Form below until 31.03.2024!
All fields of the application must be written in English!

December 13, 2023

Caro/a Estudante,

Se pondera a possibilidade de realizar um semestre de ESTUDOS ou ESTÁGIO numa outra instituição, este evento é dirigido a si!

Durante esta sessão, serão apresentadas todas as oportunidades de mobilidade, bem como disponibilizadas as informações essenciais e orientações necessárias para iniciar uma candidatura. 

Terá, ainda, a oportunidade de ouvir experiências de mobilidade partilhadas por outros colegas, proporcionando perspetivas e dicas que o/a poderão ajudar numa mobilidade futura.

A sua presença é de extrema importância, pelo que contamos consigo!

Emília Martins

SRIM | Serviço de Relações Internacionais e Mobilidade | (+351) 220 406 646

December 11, 2023


Submission of applications  OPEN till 19th of January'2024!!

December 6, 2023

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The Mobility Office is organizing a Follow-Up meeting on Wednesday, 06.12.2023 at 02:45 p.m. (FPCEUP - Room 244) to FPCEUP's mobility students. 

The session will be in ENGLISH!

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, please don’t miss it!

Have a nice week!

Isabel Neves

December 6, 2023

Car@ estudante,

Espero que te encontres bem!

O Serviço de Relações Internacionais e Mobilidade vai realizar uma Reunião de Acompanhamento para os estudantes de mobilidade da FPCEUP no dia 06.12.2023, Quarta-feira, às 14 horas - Sala 244 (FPCEUP).

A sessão decorrerá em PORTUGUÊS.

Por favor, regista a tua participação no FORMULÁRIO DE REGISTO abaixo.

A tua participação é muito importante, por isso não faltes!

Boa semana!

Isabel Neves

June 14, 2023


Submission of applications STILL OPEN till 19th of January'2024!!

March 29, 2023

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The Mobility Office is organizing a Follow-Up meeting on Wednesday, 29.03.2023 at 03:00 p.m. (FPCEUP - Room 249) to FPCEUP's mobility students. 

The session will be in ENGLISH!

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, please don’t miss it!

Have a nice week!

Isabel Neves

March 29, 2023

Car@ estudante,

Espero que te encontres bem!

O Serviço de Relações Internacionais e Mobilidade vai realizar uma Reunião de Acompanhamento no dia 29.03.2023, Quarta-feira, às 14:00h - Sala 249 (FPCEUP),  para os estudantes de mobilidade da FPCEUP.

A sessão decorrerá em PORTUGUÊS.

Por favor, regista a tua participação no FORMULÁRIO DE REGISTO abaixo.

A tua participação é muito importante, por isso não faltes!

Boa semana!

Isabel Neves

March 22, 2023

January 13, 2023

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The International Office is organizing the Welcome meetings below

on  03rd  February (Friday) at FPCEUP - Room 252:

  • The 1st meeting will be held IN PORTUGUESE at 10:00 a.m.
  • The 2nd meeting will be held IN ENGLISH at 11:00 a.m.

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Kind regards,

Isabel Amorim Neves

International Office

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences – University of Porto

Address: Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200–135 Porto, Portugal

By Metro: Yellow Line (D) -> Direction: Hospital de São João - Exit: Pólo Universitário

December 12, 2022

December 5, 2022

December 2, 2022

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The Mobility Office is organizing a Follow-Up meeting on Friday02.12.2022 at 03:00 p.m. to FPCEUP's mobility students. 

The session will be in ENGLISH via Zoom:

Meeting ID :915 85680293
Access Password: 846313 

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, please don’t miss it!

Have a nice week!

Isabel Neves

December 2, 2022

October 28, 2022

September 9, 2022

September 7, 2022

Dear mobility students/researchers, how are you?

Aware of the language difficulties that you are facing, the Mobility Office and FPCEUP’ Students Association through the project World Learners will help you to learn Portuguese.

The classes are free of charge and given by volunteer students from FPCEUP twice a week, aiming to help mobility students’ integration at FPCEUP.

If you want to take part of this challenge, please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below till September 12th.

After that, we will send you more information about the starting date and timetable of the classes.

Kind regards.

Isabel Amorim Neves

Mobility Office

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences – University of Porto | | | (+351) 22 606 18 81

Online Scheduling:

September 1, 2022

Please note that the process of ECTs credits allocation by U.PORTO is still ongoing

July 29, 2022

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The International Office is organizing the Welcome meetings below

on 12th September (Monday) at FPCEUP - Auditorium 1:

  • The 1st meeting will be held IN PORTUGUESE at 10:00 a.m.
  • The 2nd meeting will be held IN ENGLISH at 11:30 a.m.

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Kind regards,

Isabel Amorim Neves

International Office

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences – University of Porto

Address: Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200–135 Porto, Portugal

By Metro: Yellow Line (D) -> Direction: Hospital de São João - Exit: Pólo Universitário

May 30, 2022

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!!

The Mobility Office is organizing a "Farewell Meeting" on Monday, 30.05.2022 at 03:30 am, to students that are finishing their mobility period at FPCEUP.

The session will be in ENGLISH via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 819 4709 6985

Access Password: 822478

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, I'm counting on you!

Have a nice weekend!

Isabel Neves

May 30, 2022

January 20, 2022

Dear student,

I hope to find you well and I wish you a great 2022!!

The Mobility Office is organizing a "Farewell Meeting" on Thursday, 20.01.2022 at 03:30 am, to students that are finishing their mobility period at FPCEUP.

The session will be in ENGLISH via Zoom:

 Meeting ID : 861 8751 2450
Access Password: 505846

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, I'm counting on you!

Have a nice weekend!

Isabel Neves

January 20, 2022

December 16, 2021

December 16, 2021

Caro/a estudante, 

Se consideras a possibilidade de estudar ou estagiar noutra instituição, nacional ou internacional, com ou sem bolsa, este evento é para ti!

Durante esta sessão, o Serviço de Relações Internacionais da UP apresentará detalhadamente todas as oportunidades de mobilidade. Além disso, forneceremos todas as informações essenciais e orientações necessárias para poderes iniciar a tua candidatura.

Terás também a oportunidade enriquecedora de ouvir experiências de mobilidade partilhadas por outros colegas, proporcionando perspetivas e/ou dicas importantes que te possam ajudar a ponderar uma experiência de mobilidade no futuro.

A tua presença é fundamental para tornar esta sessão informativa completa e enriquecedora.

Contamos contigo para fazer parte deste momento significativo na preparação da mobilidade estudantil na FPCEUP.

Participa!  Inscreve-te já!

December 2, 2021

Dear student,

I hope to find you well!

The Mobility Office is organizing a Follow-Up meeting on Thursday 02.12.2021 at 11:00 a.m. to FPCEUP's mobility students. 

The session will be in ENGLISH via Zoom:

Meeting ID : 818 6608 6875
Access Password: 468531

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Your participation is very important for us, please don’t miss it!

Have a nice week!

Isabel Neves

December 2, 2021

December 16, 2020

March 13, 2025

Dear mobility students, how are you?

Aware of the language difficulties that you are facing, the Mobility Office and FPCEUP’ Students Association through the project World Learners will help you to learn Portuguese.

The classes are free of charge and given by volunteer students from FPCEUP twice a week, aiming to help mobility students’ integration at FPCEUP.

If you want to take part of this challenge, please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below  till 11th of February.

After that, we will send you more information about the starting date and timetable of the classes.

Kind regards.

Isabel Amorim Neves

International Office

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences – University of Porto

March 13, 2025

Dear student, I hope to find you well ! 

The International Office is organizing the Welcome meetings below  on 07th February (Monday) at FPCEUP - Auditorium 1 and also via Zoom:

Please register your participation by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM below.

Have a nice weekend!

Isabel Amorim Neves

FPCEUP's International Office

March 13, 2025

March 13, 2025